May 21, 2008

May 20, 2008

बस दर्घटनामा १८ को मृत्यु

- कपिलवस्तुको कृष्णनगरबाट प्युठानको दम्तीतर्फ गइरहेको बस राप्ती नदीमा खस्दा कम्तीमा २० जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ भने ३४ जना घाइते भएका छन् । अरू ३६ यात्रु हराइरहेका छन् । ना.२ख६०३८ नम्बरको बस सोमबार बिहान दाङको लालमटियाको सडकबाट राप्ती नदीमा खसेको थियो । बसभित्र र छतमा समेत यात्रु खचाखच थिए । छतबाट हामफालेर बचेका भिंग्री प्युठानका मनोज खड्काका अनुसार बसमा सयभन्दा बढी यात्रु थिए । दुर्घटनामा परी मृत्यु हुनेहरूमा भालुवाङ दाङ निवासी गाडीधनी शिवकुमार गुप्ता, चालक स्याङ्जा वालिङका रमेश ढकाल, सन्धीखर्क- १ अर्घाखाँचीका समसुद्दिन मियाँ, कपिलवस्तु शिवपुरका ढालबहादुर दर्लामी, बरौला- ७ प्युठानका भेषराज रिजाल र प्युठान ओखरकोटका कृष्ण केसी रहेका छन् । त्यस्तै, बांगेसाल प्युठानकी कुशुम खातुन र वन्दना आचार्य, सिद्धारा अर्घाखाँचीका खिमबहादुर रावत, ढाकावाङ अर्घाखाँचीका रामप्रसाद चुँदाली, जलुके अर्घाखाँचीका बालकृष्ण कार्की, जलुके अर्घाखाँचीकी कल्पना रिजाल, बरौला प्युठानका भेषराज रिजाल, कपिलवस्तु चन्द्रौटाका विजय रावतको पनि दुर्घटनामा मृत्यु भएको छ । त्यस्तै, अन्य मृतकमा खलंगा प्युठानका राजेश सुनार र उनकी श्रीमती तथा ११ महिनाकी छोरी र सिद्धारा अर्घाखाँचीका मगर काइँलाको पनि दुर्घटनामा मृत्यु भएको छ । खलंगा, प्युठानकी नाम खुल्न नसकेकी एक महिलाको पनि लास भेटिएको छ । नदीभित्र हराइरहेका यात्रुहरूलाई खोज्न सोमबार दिनभर नेपाल प्रहरी, नेपाली सेना, सशस्त्र प्रहरी, स्थानीयवासी र माओवादी कार्यकर्ता खटेका थिए । बस तान्न क्रेन नहुँदा उद्धारकार्यमा कठिनाइ भइरहेको छ । उद्धारकर्ताहरूले 'फेरी'मा चढेर दुर्घटनामा परेका यात्रुहरूलाई खोजी गरिरहेका छन् । बस सीधै पानीमा डुबेकाले अन्य यात्रु जीवित हुनसक्ने सम्भावना निकै कम छ । मर्नेहरूमा अधिकांश बुद्ध पूणिर्माको दिन पवित्र तीर्थस्थल स्वर्गद्वारीमा लाग्ने मेलामा जाने तीर्थालु रहेका छन् ।'गङदर्‍याङ-गङदर्‍याङ गर्दै गाडी खोलामा पस्यो, मलाई कसरी पानीबाट निकाले थाहा नै पाइनँ,' घाइते प्युठान धरमपानी-८ की विष्णु खत्रीले भनिन् । गाडी पल्टँदा उनी गाडीभित्रै थिइन् । 'गाडी पल्टियो, झ्यालबाट बाहिर खसेजस्तो लाग्छ, तर के भयो थाहा छैन,' उनले भनिन् । उनीसहित २२ जना घाइतेको बाँकेको कोहलपुरस्थित शिक्षण अस्पतालमा उपचार भइरहेको छ । घाइते ६ जना सिकिस्त रहेको चिकित्सक डा. प्रवेश न्यौपानेले जानकारी दिए । डा. न्यौपानेका अनुसार घाइतेमध्ये धेरैको टाउको र छातीमा चोट लागेको छ ।

मेडिकल कलेज कोहलपुरमा ल्याइएका घाइतेहरू

रामबहादुर थापा (प्युठान)३२, सन्तोष यादव (बलरामपुर भारत)३२, पन्चु सहनी (सर्लाही)२७, पदम पुन (प्युठान) ३५, गुमानसिंह केसी (प्युठान)२७, वसन्त राना (प्युठान)२८, निशा कुमारी (प्युठान)४५, खैरु सहनी (सर्लाही)४० र विष्णु खत्री (प्युठान)३५, रहेका छन् । त्यसैगरी, सुपबहादुर अधिकारी (प्युठान)२०, विक्रम शाही (कपिलवस्तु)१८, दिलबहादुर थापा (प्युठान)५७, गोपाल विक (प्युठान)२४, बलबहादुर कुमाल (प्युठान)३६, भिमा राना (प्युठान)५२, लीला कुमाल (प्युठान)२५, शान्ति विक (प्युठान)३५, नारायण केसी (प्युठान)२५ र शिवा रावल (अर्घाखाँची)१६, रहेका छन् ।

हामफालेर बँचे

मेरो नाम मनोज खड्का हो, प्युठानको भिंग्री हो मेरो घर । बस आफ्नै गतिमा थियो । तर, दाङको लालमटिया पुगेपछि बसभित्रैबाट ठूलो आवाज आयो । पछि थाहा भयो, पट्टा भाँचिएको रहेछ । बस पूरै असन्तुलित भयो । म जमिनमा बजारिएँ, त्यसैले बेहोस भएछु । होसमा आउँदा बस देखिएन । मैले अरूलाई बस खै भनेर सोधेँ । त्यहाँ जम्मा भएकाहरूले बस त राप्ती नदीमा पूरै डुब्यो भने । बसमा म एक्लो थिइनँ । एक सय यात्रु थिए । त्यसमध्ये मेरै बुबा तुकसिंह र अर्का मेरा साथी पनि थिए । उनीहरू सबै बससँगै नदीमा खसे । बस जहाँ खसेको छ, त्यहाँ नदीको पानी दह बनेको रहेछ, त्यसैले बस देखिएको छैन ।
Source : Naya patrika

Apr 1, 2008

Short Term Police

After a dacade long war, youngesters are coming freely to become short-term police constables in Pyuthan.

Mar 29, 2008

Voting Papers and Candidates for Pyuthan

Constituent no -2
नेकपा एमाले,४६,पुरुष

मतदाता सूचीमा गाउनै छुट

सुन्दा अचम्म लाग्ला, एउटै वडाका २६ घरका मतदाताको सूचीमा नामै छैन भन्दा, तर यही भएको छ प्यूठानको जुम्रिकाडामा । कसको लापरबाही - प्रश्न अनुत्तरित नै छ तर उनीहरू नेपालको ऐतिहासिक संविधानसभाको चुनावमा मतदानको अधिकारबाट वञ्चित हुुने भएका छन् । विकट गाउ“ जुम्रिकाडाको वडा नं १ का बासिन्दा, उनीहरू आफैमा अशिक्षित छन् । उनीहरूलाई मताधिकार खोज्न कहा“ जाने त्यो पनि थाहा छैन । गाउ“का सबै २६ परिवारको मताधिकार हनन हुु“दा पनि कसैले आवाज उठाइदिएको छैन । न दलहरूले केही पहल गरेका छन् न त गाविस सचिव वा सरकारी निकायबाट नै चासो दिइएको छ । मतदाता नामावली सङ्कलन गर्दा नाम छुुटेकाले जुुम्रिकाडा डिही र पाखुुट्टे गाउ“का २६ घरधुरीका १ सयभन्दा बढी मतदाता मताधिकारबाट वञ्चित हुुने निश्चित भएको छ । यसरी नाम छुुट्नेहरूमा गत स्थानीय निर्वाचनमा वडा अध्यक्षको पदमा उम्मेदवारी दिएका पोमे र्घर्तीसमेत रहेको एमाले जुुम्रिकाडाका सचिव लक्ष्मण भण्डारीले बताए । त्यस्तै कमल भुसाल, यमलाल भट्टर्राई, केशव विश्वकर्मार्,र् इश्वरीप्रसाद भुसाललगायतको परिवार रहेको छ । मतदाता संकलन गर्न निर्वाचन कार्यालय प्यूठानले खटाएका ४ जना सहजकर्ताहरू बिनाराम र्घर्ती, टीकाराम भुसाल, चूडामणि पोख्रेल र शशिधर पण्डितले सङ्कलन गरेको नामावली गाविस सचिव रवीन्द्रेश्वर र्घर्तीमार्फ जिल्ला निर्वाचन कार्यालय प्यूठानमा पठाए पनि उनीहरूको नाम मतदाता नामावलीमा छुुटेको छ । निर्वाचन कार्यालय प्यूठानका जिल्ल् निर्वाचन अधिकारी ऋषिराम भुसाल कार्यालयमा आएका सङ्कलित नामावली सबै सूचीमा समेटिएको दाबी गर्छन् । मताधिकारबाट वञ्चित भएकाहरू सूचीमा नाम छुुटेकोमा आक्रोशित छन् । नाम छुटेकामध्येकार् इश्वरीप्रसाद भुसाल कर्मचारीका कारण आफूहरू मतादानबाट वञ्चित भएको बताउ“छन् । गाउ“मा जाने मतादाता शिक्षा अभियानबाट चुुनावको महत्त्व बुझ्न थालेपछि उनीहरू थप आक्रोशित हुुन थालेका छन् । भन्छन्- 'संविधानसभाजस्तो ठूलो चुुनावमा पनि भोट हाल्न नपाइने भो ।' उनीहरूले यसपरूवका निर्वाचनमा भने मतदान गरेका थिए । गाविस सचिव र्घर्तीका अनुसार वडा नं १ मा मात्र नभई अन्य वडामा पनि थुुप्रै मतादातको नाम छुटेको छ । अशिक्षित भएका कारण दाबी विरोधको समयावधिसमेत थाहा नपाएकाले उनीहरू छुुटेका हुुन् । सुुस्ताका ८ सय छुटपरासी- सविधानसभा निर्वाचनमा त्रिवेणी-सुुस्ता गाविसका आठ सयभन्दा बढी सुुस्ताबासी मतदान गर्नबाट वञ्चित हुुने भएका छन् । मतदाता सूचीमा ती आठ सय सुुस्ताबासीको नाम समावेश नभएका कारण उनीहरू मतदान गर्नबाट वञ्चित हुुन भएका हुुन ।सुुस्तामा १ हजार १ सय बढी मतदाता संख्या रहे पनि निर्वाचनका लागि तयार गरिएको सूचीमा तीन सय १५ जना सुुस्ताबासीको मात्रा नामावली समावेश भएकाले अन्यले भोट हाल्न नपाउने भएका हुुन् । कुुल तीन सय ६५ घरका कुल तीन हजार पा“च सयभन्दा बढी जनसंख्या रहेको सुुस्तामा प्रत्येक घरमा ४ देखि ५ जनाको संख्यामा मतदाता रहे पनि अधिकांशको घरमा एक-दुरुइजनाको मात्र नाम समावेश गरिएको स्थानीय प्रेमचन्द्र रौनियारले बताए सुस्ता बचाउ समितिका अध्यक्ष गोपाल गुुरुङले सुुस्ताबासीको नाम समावेश नगरी सरकारले मतदानबाट वञ्चित गरेको आरोप लगाए । जिल्ला निर्वाचन कार्यालयले अब निर्वाचन मतादाता सूचीमा नया“ नाम समावेश गर्न नसकिन जनाएको छ । 'नामावली संकलनका बेला विवाद भएका कारण छुुट्न गएको होला' जिल्ला निर्वाचन अधिकृत दिल्लीराज बेलवासेले भने ।
-नुमराज खनाल (Kantipur daily)

Feb 25, 2008

Jan 10, 2008

Free hugs

A Korean girl was giving hugs to pedetrations in Kathmandu. Don't we need this?

Raktim and Pyuthan

I don't see any significant relation between Raktim Pariwar and Pyuthan , but we are used to listen all these patriot songs.

Will Pyuthan have a cable car?

This news brief was published in 2000. All pyuthani were expecting to have their own Swargadari cable car. It's seems their expection was mere expection!! It seems Sunil Karmacharya( An engineer by profession, his alma mater is Mukti madhyamik Vidhyalaya, Ratamata, Pyuthan) Dai was also involved to conduct the feasibility study from Manakamana Cable Car.

News brief from Spotlight weekly in 2000.

AFTER SUCCESSFUL OPERATION OF private-sector run cable car to reach Manakamana temple in western Nepal, local authorities are making efforts to link Swargadwari, a noted religious site in Pyuthan district in mid-western Nepal, through cable car. The Swargadwari Management Committee set up in Dang district has decided to give the rights of cable car operation to Gorkha-Mankamana Darshan Pvt. Ltd. that has been operating similar service to Mankana temple in Gorkha District. The private sector company will conduct a feasibility study and present its estimate of the project within the next six months.

Are we really reluctant to know about the benefits of iodised salt?

Pyuthan residents ignorant of benefits of iodised salt

Government efforts in creating awareness on the use of iodised salt through print and electronic media have failed to bring about desired effects in the districts.
Apart from government officials and residents in Khalanga the district headquarters, villagers do not buy iodised salt, which is expensive compared to the non-iodised variety.
A majority in the district is still unaware of the benefits of iodine where goitre is interpreted as the manifestation of sins the victim committed in a past life.
"The packed (iodised) salt is expensive. Why buy the expensive one when the other one is much cheaper. After all salt is salt," said Tiki Gharti of Jumrikada VDC who had come to the local Bijuwar bazaar to buy commodities. Gharti expressed her ignorance of iodine and its efficacy for the human body.
Except for government officials and bazaar residents, all villagers prefer non-iodised salt according to Narayan Shrestha, a local merchant in Bijurawa, the second commercial hub of the district.
"Since the media campaign has failed, the local health institutions should play an active role in making people aware of the use of iodised salt", opined Jyoti Kunwar, a trainer at a local institution.
However, Lal Mani Devkota, a teacher at the Swargadwari Campus is of the view that the iodised salt could be introduced among the district populace by banning the sale of sub-standard salt.
Dr. Ananda Kumar Shrestha, the Chief at the District Health Office (DHO) said that the DHO is
mulling conducting tests on the quality of salt being sold in district markets.

Reported by: NUMARAJ KHANAL in Kantipur

Teacher crams dung down students’ throat

This is how people perceive about Pyuthani culture.

Sunday, June 24,2007
PYUTHAN: A teacher of the Jana Jyoti Lower Secondary School in Lung, Pyuthan district, allegedly forced 82 students on Wednesday to eat dung when they did not do their homework.According to a report, Sushila KC forced 34 third-graders and 48 fourth-graders to eat dung. The school shut down on Thursday after the students and their guardians protested the teacher’s action.Sushila had been warning them that she will make them eat dung if they do not do their homework, the students said. “We never thought that the madam will force us to eat dung,” they said. Students and guardians flew into a lather as she did not force her own son Krishna Chandra to eat dung though he too had not done his homework.Headmaster Uday Pandey said, “The incident happened when I had gone to the district headquarters for paperwork regarding the school. She (the teacher) should apologise because she has committed a mistake.” The school management committee will call a guardians’ meet on July 14 to solve the issue, sources said.District Education Officer (DEO) Man Bahadur KC said: “Forcing students to feed dung is an unnatural act.” Asked what punishment will be meted out to the teacher, the DEO said: “Theschool management committee is authorised to punish such teachers.”

Swargadwari Pyuthan Festival

Swargadwari Pyuthan Festival

Date: March 29 to April 5, 2008

Venue: Swargadwari Campus, Punyakhola

Organized by: Pyuthan Chamber of Commerce & Industry, DDC Pyuthan & VDCs.

Will Pyuthan have a dalit Rep for Constituent Assembly?

प्यूठानबाट दलित सांसद बनाउनेमा सबै दल सहमत (Pyuthan political parties agree on having a Dalit rep to Constituent Assembly form their district)

जिल्लामा क्रियाशील सबै राजनैतिक दलहरुले जिल्लामा एक जना दलित सांसद बनाउने र्सार्वजनिक प्रतिवद्धता ब्यक्त गरेका छन् ।
२ निर्वाचन क्ष्ँेत्र रहेको प्यूठानमा सबै राजनैतिक दलहरुले प्रतिबद्धता लागू गरे असन्न संबिधानसभाको चुनावमा जिल्लाबाट एक जना दलित सांसदको प्रतिनिधित्व हुने समेत निश्चित भएको छ । दलित मानवअधिकार सङ्गठन जिल्ला एकाई प्यूठानको आयोजनामा बिहिवार सदरमुकाम खलङ्गामा भएको स्थानीय स्तरमा दलित समुदाय र समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व बिषयक र्सार्वजनिक सुनुवाईमा नेताहरुले सो प्रतिबद्धता ब्यक्त गरेका हुन् ।
जिल्लाभरका दलित अधिकारबादी कार्यकर्ताहरुको प्रश्नको जवाफ दिदै नेताहरुले २ निर्वाचन क्ष्ँेत्र रहेको प्यूठानमा १ जना दलितलाई सांसदको लागि उम्मेदवारी दिन र सिफारिस गर्ने प्रतिवद्धता ब्यक्त गरेका थिए । हाल जिल्ला कमिटिमा दलितको संख्या शुन्य रहेको बताउने दलका नेताहरुले पनि सो प्रतिवद्धता साथ आयोजक संस्थास“ग प्रतिवद्धता पत्रमा हस्ताक्ष्ँर गरेका छन् । आयोजकहरुले भने सो प्रतिबद्धता पुरा भए नभएको अनुगमन गरिरहने समेत बताएका छन् ।
दलका नेताहरुलाई मञ्चमा बर्साईएर अन्यलाई दर्शक दिर्घर्ाा राखिएको सो कार्यक्रममा राष्ट्रिय प्रजातन्त्र पार्टर्ीीई बोलाईएको थिएन भने माले उपस्थित थिएन । अन्य सबै दलका नेताहरुले आफूहरुले छुवाछुत नमान्ने समेत घोषणा गरेका थिए । दलित अधिकारवादी नेता एवं पत्रकार र्सर्ूयबहादुर बिश्वकर्माले सञ्चालन गर्नुभएको र्सार्वजनिक सुनुवाईमा नेपाली कांग्रेसमा १९ सदस्यीय जिल्ला कमिटिमा १ जना, एमालेको १९ सदस्यीय जिल्ला कमिटिमा २ जना, जनमोर्चा केसी, शेरचन र आलेमा क्रमशः ४, ३ र १ जना दलितहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व रहेको जानकारी गराइृएको थियो । ने. क.पा. माओवादी र कांग्रेस प्रजातान्त्रिकमा भने हाल जिल्ला कमिटिमा नभएपनि तत्काल ल्याउने प्रतिवद्धता ब्यक्त गरिएको थियो ।
स्थानीय गाउ तथा क्ष्ँेत्रीय कमिटिमा आ-आफ्नै ढङ्गले सहभागिता बढाउने प्रतिवद्धता ब्यक्त गरिए पनि २ निर्वाचन क्ष्ँेत्र भएको प्यूठानमा १ जना दलित नेतालाई आसन्न्ा संबिधानसभाको चुनावमा उम्मेदवार बनाउने कुरामा भने सबै दलहरु सहमत भएका थिए । कायृक्रममा सहभागिहरुलाई दलितहरुलाई भोट ब्याङ्कको रुपमा प्रयोग नगर्न पनि अनुरोध गरेका थिए । प्रतिवद्धता पत्रमा नेपाली कांग्रेसका सुभाष केसी, एमालेका धनबहादुर रायमाझी, कांग्रैस प्रजातान्त्रिकका शाल्रि्राम पण्डित, माओवादीका धनेश्वर पोख्रेल, र जनमोर्चा केसी, शेरचन र आलेका क्रमशः राम पहाडी, रामबहादुर केसी र पितबहदुर एम.सी.ले हस्ताक्षर गरेका छन् । प्यूठानमा अधिकारवादीहरुका तर्फाट दलका नेताहरुलाई र्सार्वजनिक सुनुवाइृमा र्सार्वजनिक प्रतिवद्धतामा हस्ताक्षर गर्राईएको यो नै पहिलो हो ।
Report by:Rupesh Silwal

Distance from Pyuthan to 20 biggest cities of country

Pyuthan - Kathmandu 245 km
Pyuthan - Rupandehi 80 km
Pyuthan - Jhapa 524 km
Pyuthan - Dhanukha 347 km
Pyuthan - Kailali 210 km
Pyuthan - Dang 56 km
Pyuthan - Banke 123 km
Pyuthan - Bardiya 149 km
Pyuthan - Kaski 101 km
Pyuthan - Dhading 203 km
Pyuthan - Tanahun 144 km
Pyuthan - Syangja 98 km
Pyuthan - Sindhuli 319 km
Pyuthan - Gorkha 174 km
Pyuthan - Baitadi 286 km
Pyuthan - Achham 186 km
Pyuthan - Khotang 411 km
Pyuthan- Ramechhap 328 km

Democratic Republic or Complete Republic?

Republic is one of the most talking subject in Pyuthani Politics. This hording board picture was taken in Damti ( I guess it was put there by Maoist) in Summer of 2007.


Most NGOs get non-govt support to do something in a society. Data shows that 75% of that kind of budget is being expensed before reaching to the targeted group. Transparency is another main issue for NGOs . This NGO at least tried to present its income and expenditure by hanging a hoarding board in a beneficiary's house. This picture was taken in Damti, Pyuthan in Summer of 2007.

Lung Ko Diwali

This is what we do in Lung V.D.C.(Kul Puja) every five year. It's one of the biggest event in Pyuthan district. People come from surrounding districts ( Rolpa,Gulmi,Arghakhachi, Dang and Kapilbastu) and one of a good cause to be together with family.

Many Pyuthani are still deprived from clean drinking water. This caption was published on

This is what we do in Pyuthan. Bijuwar Bazaar and District Hospital with an ambulance.

Background of District

Headquarter - Khalanga
Total no. of VDCs - 49
Area of District ( - 1328.9 km
Total Population - 204179
Literacy rate - 32.00% (
Male - 49.00% Female - 15.00%)
Political constituencies: 2

Village Development Programme
1 Programme initiation year -1999
2 No. of VDCs covered- 5
3 No. of wards covered -45
4 Number of total settlements in covered VDCs -124
5 Covered settlements- 104
6 Number of total households in covered VDCs -3575
7 DDC contribution in LTF-100000
8 VDC contribution in LTF -260000
9 Total COs -113
10 Total savings of COs -Rs 1072508
11 Total investment - Rs 1720804


Pyuthan is a bazaar and the administrative center of Pyuthan District of Rapti Zone approximately 175 kilometres west of the capital of Kathmandu. This town is locally known as "Khalanga" due to its history as a military strongpoint.

The town is situated on a mountainside about 400 meters above the intensively cultivated floodplain of the Jimruk Khola (River) about 15 kilometers north of the Mahabharat Lekh (Range) in the Middle Hills. The town is populated by government officials from the Kathmandu Valley and other parts of Nepal, by solders and police of Magar and other "hill tribes" and their mostly Chhetri officers by Newar merchants, by civil servants recruited mostly from local Bahun and Chhetri castes, as well as menial castes who labor as tailors, cobblers, blacksmiths and construction workers.

There is a history of tension between Pyuthan the town and Pyuthan the district because of leftist politics in the district, making the town a royalist island in a republican sea and the mouthpiece of the national government in a district that was prepared to struggle and sacrifice for local autonomy. This history and the presence of Kham peoples with nationalistic sentiments in rugged highlands beyond the Jimruk along the Pyuthan-Rolpa district border made Pyuthan -- the town -- vulnerable to attack or marginalization in the 1996-2006 Nepalese Civil War.

Pyuthan District

Pyuthan District

Pyuthan district, a part of Rapti zone, is one of the seventy-five districts of Nepal, a landlocked country of South Asia. The district, with Pyuthan as its district headquarters, covers an area of 1,309 km² and has a population (2001) of 212,484.

This district lies in the western part of Nepal. Swargadwari lies in this district.
Swargadwari, one of the must see destination for Hindu pilgrims. When ever we talk about Swargadwari Temple, we talk about the Guru Maharaj and his disciples of Swargadwari. Swargadwari Guru Maharaj was an incarnation of god. He spend his life mostly in Swargadwari with his disciples. There were also thousands of milking cows in Swargadwari at that time which Guru Maharaj himself use to shepherd during the day. There is an account of some of his followers trying to follow Guru Maharaj to check where he took all those cows and himself. But they never could not find him or his cows. They referred to the team as "just to fast to catch up". So no one ever knew where Guru Maharaj use to go during the day with his cows.

Before he left physical body, he gave some of his divine power to a few of his disciples. On the day Guru Maharaj left his soul by his own wish, a number of people gathered around the Samadhi place. Then he left his own body after bidding good by to his disciples and other followers. Swami Guru Maharaj's favourite cow also died at the same instant as The Guru left his body and headed to somewhere else. After he left his body, within few day, all cows began to disappear in a miraculous way. There is an account of people seeing the cows emptying all of their milk at the Samadhi spot by themselves at the same time of the day everyday.

There are also many other miraculous tales about Swargadwari Guru Maharaj and his disciples. Pleople of Pyuthan, in western Nepal and also some people who visited Swargadwari Guru Maharaj are still alive today. They are always excited to share their experience with someone who is interested.